Geshe Michael and Lama Christie have been teaching in Tokyo the past two days, along with several of Diamond Mountain's best yoga teachers, including Yvonne Jaques, Mercedes Bahleda, and Anatole Nguyen. The venue is Sun and Moon yoga studio, a small but mighty yoga group in the middle of Tokyo's busy downtown area. Sun and Moon is the creation of Leza Lowitz, an American who has lived in Japan on and off since the early 90's, and who has studied both Buddhism and yoga for many years. The sincerity of her own practice is reflected in the serenity of the venue, as well as the enthusiasm of her students. At every class and teaching, the room was packed, and the students stayed for more, even after the end, talking and exchanging emails with Worldview staff, buying books, and happily discussing the teachings.
Here's a link to Geshe Michael and Lama Christie's classes:
Friday April 17, 2009: Yogi’s Mind, Business Mind
Handout for Friday class
Saturday April 18, 2009: How Yoga Works
Handout for Saturday class
For more about Sun and Moon yoga, check out their website here.